14. Polish armored locomotive series Ti3

After the First World War, Poland received 16 Prussian G5.3 series locomotives as reparations from Germany, of which 12 were armored. The Ti3 had a 1C axle setup and a 12C1 series three axle tendry.


I needed this lokomotive for my armored pilsudczyk train, so I decided to make myself. According to the plans I have, the armor should be halfbarrel. I made the tank and the driver`s cabin of galvanized steel. I have a German BR 24 Märklin steam engine with the same axle system as the Ti3. Perfekt. The tender has been armored with cardboard in such a way that I do not have to do anything at the original tender. I just put my armour on the tender. After adding various details and painting.



It is not the quality of a Märklin or a 3d print, but it is the first and only polish Ti3 armored steam lokomotive in exactly 1-220 scale.


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